Half Meme Press bean counters offer another inscrutable chart -- 02/27/2005
The Half Meme Press bean counters just sent this chart. It's a lifetime sales history of My Life with Master, from the game's release at GenCon 2003, to our most recent sale this past Monday.
 The green represents 370 units of the print version sold direct from the Half Meme Press website and at GenCon in 2003 and 2004. The orange is sales of 212 units of the pdf version. The yellow is 51 units of the print version sold to retailers. So in the first twenty months, that's a total sales of 633 units.
Some interesting stats:
- Best month ever was August 2004, with 98 units sold. 81 of them were at GenCon.
- If you count only sales where the customer makes a choice between print and pdf (so not GenCon, and not sales to retailers) then nearly exactly 50% of sales are pdf.
- Average sales per month is 31.
- Average sales per month, not including GenCon and books sold to retailers, is 21.
- Only 32% of non-U.S. customers ordering via the website choose the print version.
- 58% of U.S. customers ordering via the website choose the print version.