American Heroes In 2014 nature scientists genetically modified papayas to resist a strain of papaya blight and save the papaya industry. No one could have imagined the hideous side effects. The first effect was that many of the papayas grew to enormous size and absorbed tons of atmospheric CO2. This CO2 reservoir ended global warming trends, if they ever existed in the first place. The second, and even more shocking, effect was that people born to consumers of the papayas often developed superpowers. I mean these things are complicated and the earth did pass through the tail of a radioactive comet that night when all cactuses became sentient. But most people are pretty sure it’s the papayas. When will people learn? While most of those developing super powers led the lives of normal, law abiding citizens 0.1% turned towards lives of crime (as high as 0.3% in some groups of minorities). Thus the US department of homeland security was forced to put together teams of super powered people to deal with these threats. Threats not just to safety and property, but threats to the American way of life itself. You are heroes because you are on this team. And you fight people who are villains because they dare oppose America and the American way of life. How to play Step 1 - Player selection Look around. See all the people gathered in this room? Ask them if they want to play. Anyone who does is a player. This game works best with you and 3 to 5 of your friends. (That’s 4-6 people) If you don’t have enough try using the phone. Or use twitter or snapchat or something. Step 2 – Make characters Everyone playing makes a character. Yes everyone. What a strange question. See the “making characters section”. Don’t change any of the rules in the game. Step 3 – Setting up the session 3 people need to make “hostiles reports” (for the first session the leader and second should not make reports). Everyone votes on their favorite. The writer of said report will take the role of super villain and their character will not play this session. The super villain takes the place of what is normally called the game master. In order to insure the villain does not get a swelled head they must buy a pizza and watch everyone consume it in front of them. Step 4 – The game session This is where you play out the lives of your characters. They do things. They love, they learn. And then the adventure ends. If at any point you are unsure of the rules stop and look them up. If you are still unsure the uninvolved players should confer. If they do not reach a consensus everyone should vote. The villain will break ties by not voting, if the number of players is even or voting if the number of players is odd. You now have an answer for that corner case, write it down. Step 5 – Post game Wrap up. Everyone finishes character bookkeeping. Characters are all safely stored and a date for the next session is planned. Keep the unused hostiles reports for next time. Continue to not change any rules. How to make characters 1) Sit down – gather everyone together 2) Pick roles - The leader is chosen by vote. The leader chooses a second. Then the leader chooses the order players select role. This order is recorded as seniority ranking. When doing character stuff the leader makes sure everything flows, the second fills out all the paperwork. (Second, write down the seniority ranking order). 3) Pick Important details (in reverse seniority) (locations, organizations, external relationships, reputations, items, fears) 4) Pick personality types (in seniority order) 5) establish relationships (in seniority order) 6) Powers (in reverse seniority order) 7) Pick a name, a description and any other finishing details. Roles There are 5 attributes that are determined by your role. Leadership, Force, Smarts, Power and Bureaucracy (described elsewhere) Your status is a 3. They also have an associated color, for tracking purposes. Feel free to substitute any other colors or tokens. Leader (best at leadership)(black) The leader is responsible for the wellbeing and success of the group. L3,F2,S2,P1,B2 In investigation scenes the leader can substitute leadership for any roll In conflict they can roll leadership to let another person make an action Second (best at Bureaucracy)(blue) L2,F2,S2,P2,B3 The second can always aid or influence characters involved in the B plot, without them noticing. They get +1 die to important details rolls Ace (the ace is the best at using their powers)(green) L1,F2,S1,P3,B1 In investigation or dramatic scenes the ace can always use their powers to make a roll Brains (brains are the best at smarts) (yellow) L1,F1,S3,P2,B2 In a conflict scene the brains can use smarts to make any action Brawn (the best at force)(purple) L1,F3,S1,P2,B1 In a conflict scene the Brawn can use Force to make any action. Heart (the best at relationships)(red) L1,F2,S2,P2,B1 The heart gets a bonus die to all relationship rolls Important details Everyone has an association with the teams lair/home base Choose from the following list of Important details. When you choose one of these you will be the “owner” of said detail. Two other players will also be associated with it. You will end up with 3 features you own and 3 features you are associated with. As a group you must end with at least two of each category. These are used to roll tests or as bonuses to tests. In general you would roll Bureaucracy (b) get a number to roll (3) or get a number as a bonus (+2). Locations – a university, research lab, medical facility or monastery. Anywhere you might contact for help.(b) organizations – ninja brotherhood, FBI(b) external relationships – A mentor, a family member, a civilian lover (starts at 3) reputations – fastest gun in the west, hotdog eating champion. You get bonus dice any time it would be helpful to have this reputation (+2)(+1 for associate) items – a special group vehicle (you would be pilot and copilot), a type of weapon a few people use (b) fears – special super hero concerns this character has. Freedom, people in danger etc (+2) personality traits Choose one line if its from the top half your character is a woman, bottom half a man. (Women) Boyish, Determined, Flexible Athletic, Amiable, Focused Girly, Confident, Genuine, Intellectual, Considerate, Incorruptible Happy, Dramatic, Gentle Stoic, Adventurous, Humorous Emo, Decisive, Idealistic Enigmatic, Intense, Skeptical (Men) Effeminate, Dynamic, Independent Empathic, Generous, Innovative Active, Humble, Methodical Professorial, Enthusiastic, Modest Gruff, Sharp, Punctual Kind, Loyal, Prudent Gothic, Dedicated, Scrupulous Composed, Firm, Sympathetic establish relationships Each character will have a relationship with every other character If you are playing with 5 or 6 players look left and right these players characters are you acquaintances. All relationships start at level 3. Every time a relationship is tested, but remains the same it is reduced by 1. If a relationship changes the number resets to 3. (The exception is acquaintance it starts at 1 and goes up to 3) The type of relationship affects the influence and help one person can give the other. Also how they socially affect the other. (explained elsewhere) Friends Relatives – siblings (if it ends up being 3 ways its 2 siblings and a cousin) Romantic – lovers Mentor/Student – chooser picks attribute, whoever has higher is mentor Frenemy – chooser picks focus for rivalry. Tormented/tormentor – chosen person is the annoying one, they pick the annoying thing. Acquaintances – you don’t know each other well enough yet Powers Fire – character can summon and control fire also immune to fire Things like lasers or plasma damage via heating. That means the fire character is unaffected by these as well. They should be surprised that other people would think these things should hurt them, because, you know, physics. Brute – character is very strong and very tough. Also somewhat larger than normal. Brutes are immune to most normal damage. They can be hurt by powers, they can only easily be hurt by other brutes. Unless the opponent is a brute they must use a power(or equivalent) and score a full hit to hurt a brute. When attacking brutes add Force and power. Transmorpher – character can change into one or more forms Choose either (form, substance or mimic) Form means they can change shape. Stretching, growing or shrinking Substance means they can be different materials. metal and water are popular choices Mimic means they can take the shape and physical abilities of living things they have scanned. They must roll to scan something they see to later become it. Speedster – character can move very quickly This does not include cognitive speed. Also there is a conservation of total energy meaning when they punch, it feels like a punch, they just do it faster. Effectively their mass decreases while they move. Handy for running over water, up walls or leaping great distances. Normal people cannot catch them. A super would have to score a full hit to catch one with a power to do so.(flight, cheetah speed, some kind of net power) Animal powers – character has powers based on one or more animals Choose some way in which this character looks like an animal. Feathers on head, covered in fur etc. This hero taps into animal powers, they have to try to use them hence they are not always running around with super smell. If the power requires a significant change, like wings or horns they must succeed at a test to transform. Classic super – character is tough, strong and can fly Tough, strong, flight, being a douche is optional. Aquatic person – character is at home in the sea. Tough and strong. Can breath water, swim at super speed, looks good in hot pants. Lamest power or bestest power? Human Laser – character can generate high intensity directed energy blasts. Extremely good control over their powers. Super acrobat – Superhuman ability to move, dodge and climb Human weapon – super ability to use any weapon even improvised ones. Writing a Hostiles report Scope (base difficulty) – street level(3), national(4), world(5) Threat (modifier to difficulty) - Wanton destruction (+0), Only hurts the man (+1), Does not hurt anyone (+2) Villain – what the villain is, personality, powers etc Villain’s goals – overall + immediate Allies and henchmen – who works with the villain and what do they do. The hostile report sets the A plotline How to make a test Roll the number of 6 sided dice as indicated by your attribute with any modifiers. A 123 is a failure, 45 is a success and 6 is a full success. You take the highest die rolled. In general this means you succeed in the narrative sense and you would reduce a status by 1 (or by 2 if you rolled a 6) or you increased you or your teammates status by 1 or 2. B plot After the villain is picked the b plot is decided. The villain will pick 2 or more people and suggest a conflict or potential change between the characters. The heroes may accept that or escalate the end result or suggest different outcomes. For example the villain may pick two friends and suggest that something may happen that makes them frenemies or will strengthen their friendship. Outline of play -opener -group business -Scenes (5 or so) -final confrontation -denouement Opener – the villain will describe a crime. The latest crime committed by the villain. This is the setup to the first investigation scene. Group business – this is a scene where the group is still at home base. It is optional and is used to set up the B plot. Otherwise the B plot is set up in the investigation scene. Final confrontation – this is where the villain is stopped. Does his plan go off? And does he escape? You track the status of both separately at 5 and 5 status. Don’t forget his henchmen at 3. Denouement – this is the final resolution of the B plot. Regular scenes are Investigation, conflict or Dramatic The details of a scene are set by the villain. Investigation Scenes the premise of an investigation scene is to figure out what to do next. In the game diogesis the characters are trying to figure out the villain. Their goals, motivations and also where they might be hiding out. The players act as if the characters are at the site of the place being investigated. They can move around, look at and manipulate the scene. The scene has a base status of the scenario. To move on the status must be reduced to zero. The characters can use their skills to figure things out. For example using smarts to understand something at a crime scene, using beauocracy to get the police to do something or using superpowers in a creative way. Each success reduces the status by one and when the status is zero the group should be ready for the next scene. The scene is initially laid out by the villain. The characters actions are narrated by the players, until a test is made and the result is narrated by the villain. Investigation scenes have no win/lose roll, they are always win. Dramatic Scenes Dramatic scenes are mostly interactions between team members or their allies. Characters may disagree with a course of action or try to convince another player to change in some way. At the beginning of the scene the villain and the interestd parties decide what the conflict they are exploring is. When its resolved the scene ends Dramatic scene (villainous monologue) A particular type of dramatic scene is when the villain reveals their evil plans. So, they get away. But you do have a chance to trade quips and possibly bon mots. Conflict scenes There are 2 kinds of conflict scenes. Ones where the characters seek out the bad guys or ones where the bad guys seek out the characters. Both are handled in the same way The Villain asks a player to step up as scene champion. The two of them hash out what the goal of the bad guys is. The champion rolls a d6. 123 the Villains will succeed at their goal. 456 the player characters will. The scene is then played out. The players are either having a scene where they beat the bad guys or a scene where they try not to lose too badly. Either way they are attempting to reduce the status of the enemies to zero. If they succeed at this they gain a bonus die to use in the final conflict with the super villain. There are 1 to 3 groups involved on the side of the bad guys each having a status of 3. Interstitial These are not really scenes. Its something small that the characters want to do. Like going to purchase something or going to the library. You say what you want make a test and that’s it. Except, these often will form the seed for a conflict (getting attacked by ninjas) or a dramatic scene. The result of the thing you wanted to do is always based on the test you made. Using attributes in tests Leadership – can be used in any test of tactics, or understanding the enemy Force – Attacking people or doing feats of strength. Smarts – figuring out clues, fixing things Power – using your super power to do things Bureaucracy – getting anyone else to do things or give you stuff Relationship tests. Anytime you aid another person you roll your current relationship. If you want a character to do something it must be appropriate for your relationship. For example a lover could request a person not throw themselves into danger, a friend could ask for help moving and a frenemy could demand “race ya?” You would roll your current relationship with them. The player can now choose whether or not to do as you requested. If you rolled a hit and they don’t do it their relationship with you goes down 1 point. If you rolled a full hit and they do it not only do they not lose a point you gain a point (this may make them want to turn you down, such is life). Anyway, there’s no backsies in the same scene, they must wait till the next dramatic scene to make a demand of you. Of course they could go after another player character who could in turn go after you. Notes on this 0.1 edition Future editions will have… …more character development. …more character choices. …more extensively treated superpowers. Transgender traits were cut due to space as were choices within the traits. Two mechanics were removed due to space and time, and there are some vestigial remains. they had to be removed because they were confusing. One limited the number of moves you could make in a scene and one was the way you used your traits in the game. I hope enough remains to play with