All the main characters have at least six states: Sharp, Stressed, Hot, Hard, Cool, and Soft. Main characters also have points of resolve and described relationships with main or supporting characters, each of which can have a number of tension (possibly none). Main characters start with two relationships with two supporting characters and one with another main character. These have 1, 2, and 3 tension, allocated however the player wishes. Main characters start in whatever state their player chooses. At the start of each episode, the main characters face a mystery, which they will endeavor to solve. These mysteries are a sequence of questions, each of which require a more compelling solution. For example: Who is the victim? - (3 clues) How were they killed? - (5 clues) Why were they killed? - (7 clues) How do we catch the killer? - (9 clues) or in a less procedural note: How do we avoid offending these diplomats? - (2 clues) Who is the real decision maker in this negotiation? - (5 clues) What does their president really want? - (8 clues) What will seal the deal? - (11 clues) The current situation of the main characters can have Dangers, each some pressing threat or hazard affecting some or all of the main characters. Dangers could be suspect going on a rampage, a missing piece of evidence, or a misunderstanding that could turn into a full scale diplomatic incident. At the start of an episode there is no Danger. A main character can cycle, staying in the same state, or shift, going from one state to the next. When a main character has the focus, she can cycle once, shift once, or do both once in any order. Then the focus passes to another main character. When a main character is Sharp: She can cycle and spend a resolve to maintain her focus on the case, in doing so reveals a clue. She can shift to Stressed to put in one last valiant effort, in doing so she reveals a clue. She can shift to Stressed and spend all her resolve to propose a solution using as many clues as the resolve points she just spent (she can use any clues, not just her own). When a main character is Stressed: She can cycle and be unpleasant to someone she cares about (i.e. has a relationship with), in doing so add a tension to the affected relationship. She can shift to Hot and escape her stress by doing something exciting and carefree. This option requires that there be no Danger. She can shift to Hard and overcome her stress by doing something disciplined and focused. When a main character is Hot: She can cycle and passionately (e.g. anger, love, lust, etc.) encounter another character, in doing so either she gets a new relationship with one tension, or the existing relationship gets two tension. She can shift to Soft and reveal a vulnerability to another character, in doing so turn one of the tension on their relationship into resolve (if there is any tension). She can shift to Cool and do something risky, in doing so she introduces a Danger. When a main character is Hard: She can cycle and explicitly avoid someone she cares about (i.e. in a relationship), in doing so add one tension to that relationship. She can shift to Soft and confront a Danger to overcome or negate it, in doing so remove that danger and gain 2 resolve. This option requires that there is a Danger. She can shift to Cool and do something cruel or callous to someone she cares about (i.e. in a relationship), in doing so remove that relationship and gain resolve equal to the tension on that relationship. When a main character is Cool: She can cycle and isolate herself from her relationships, in doing so add one tension to any one relationship. She can shift to Sharp and uses her detachment to find something others have missed about the case, in doing so she reveals a clue. When a main character is Soft: She can cycle and connect with another main character, in doing so she may give that character any amount of her resolve. She can shift to Sharp and mend one of her relationships to give herself new purpose, in doing so reduce the tension on a relationship to half (rounded down) and gain as much resolve the the tension removed.